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Meet Aden.
Aden is my gay demon. Aden possessed me at the age of 16, even though he was with me all my life. Like most gay demons, they have to use an object to tempt there host, much like the apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Aden had a hard time finding the right object for me.
At the age of 8, he tried to use my mother's lipstick. "Shawn try this, the color will look so good on you, Girl!" I picked up the lipstick, and turned it as it slide towards my lips. I stopped. Put the lipstick down and went to play video games. "Damn It!", he said, I have to try something better!
At the age of 12, he tried to use my sister's jump rope. "Shawn try this, it will make you jump for joy, Girl!" I picked up the jumprope, and placed it behind me. I stopped, put the jumprope down and went to play video games. "Damn it Again!", he said, I have to try something even better!
At the age of 16, during a sleepover he decided to use what I loved the most: Video Games! "Shawn try this, it will be so much fun, Girl!" So I picked up the joystick, and played for hours and hours. Then as I was beating the last level, my friend put his head on my lap. My friend was a guy. He was on my lap. Sleeping. Oh no, I didn't know what to do! My dick started to get hard! My face started to sweat, and everything started to turn RED!
Aden had finally did it! He finally turned me GAY! Oh the other Gay Demons started to pump and dip, and vogue for dear life! Who knew that videogames could make teenagers gay! It was all over for me, Aden was here to stay! Aden rejoiced in my underbelly as he sipped on a watermelon martini. Finally he was leading my soul to Hell.
As the months and the years passed by, Aden started to get impatient. He wondered. When will I be able to return to the pits of hell in which I came? This homosexuality thing just wasn't making me, well... evil. Actually I started being a better person. Aden was angry! "Go kiss on that boy, and see how the humans will hate you, then you will see the world's ways. Become Evil, let me lead you to hell!"
But the kiss actually made me smile. It mad me happy. It made me fall in love. Through my love with this man, it made me a more loving and peaceful spirit, standing up for what was right, and helping those in need. It allowed me not to judge, and see the beauty in others.
"No! That is not what Gay people do!" said Aden," You suppose to hide yourself from the world! Have multiple sex with multiple people! Drink and smoke until you get AIDS, and die in the pits of hell while wearing women's clothing!" So I asked Aden, who told you that?
"You did."
"Yes you, and the rest of your kind."
Then I realized that, the only way for me to be free was just not to listen to the negative comments and sterotypes that have been put on me. If I just stop beleiving that I had a gay demon inside of me, then it would just simply go away. And it did.
So the moral of the story is...
"Lesbians Lies & Fag Tales stop giving DEMONS power over YOU, give GOD the Glory! Your are a loving and beautiful human being gay, straight, or otherwise! Don't let nobody tell you about who you are! Your an evolving and every changing being, Live your Life! And play a videogame or something!"
When does a dream become a nightmare?
Meet my boy Mason.
I met him at one of my infamous house parties. Tall, Light Brown Skin, Slim, but with a muscular build. I could tell by the shirt he wore, the brotha was on point. But there was something about him, he seemed pretty social, but distance at the same time. As the party continues, and the liquor is flowing, Mason goes outside to take a cigarette. I didn't get a chance to introduce myself so I decided to head outside with him.
"Name is Shawn, nice to meet you."
"Oh so this is your house, very nice, thanks for inviting us, your friends are crazy!"
"Yeah, they can get like that, got to love them. So do you smoke to relieve stress?"
"Nah, but if I did, then I would be smoking two packs a day!"
"Why do you say that" I replied as I sit on the steps of my porch."
He took one last pull, and flinged his cigarette into the street. He looked at me with these lazy eyes, which at first I thought was due to his tipsy state, but found out it was deeper then that.
"Can I tell you a secret"
I shook my head, yes, and he started to tell me his story.
"I used to be be so in love this guy. We met in the village. I never talk to anyone in the village! But he came up to me, and just swept me off my feet. We fucked on the first night, but it was hot! Months later, we became exclusive, and even lived together for a year. The sex was so fucking hot. He was a sex addict! Now I can be a freak to, but sometimes I couldn't keep up!
Seems like he was just a little to fast for me because, one day my boy called me up and told me he seen my dude with another dude... In the bathroom of the fucking train station! With fresh cum stains all over his shirt! I couldn't believe that shit because my friend is known for being a damn liar. A week later I came home, he was in the shower with the music blasting. I went into the bedroom and found a opened magnum by my family portrait on the night stand, and a towel that was used to clean himself up. I went crazy, this fucking bitch just got done cheating on me like 10 minutes ago! He admitted it to me, and I was so done with him after that. He moved out, and was depressed for a good 3 months.
I was really going through it, and like everyone says, the only way to give over old dick is to get some new dick! So I hit up BGC..."
"Your on BGC for real" I interrupted.
"You got nasty naked pics on there?"
He laughed and said, "Yeah of my dick and ass, but they are private, and no I'm not telling you my screen name! Anyway... I met this dude on there, who was hot! We decided to meet up for dinner and he was a decent dude. We took a walk around and just talked, and I felt so comfortable with him. I wasn't going to make the same mistake I did with the last dude by sleeping with him on the same night.
So like a month later, I'm really feeling him, so I was like, yo come through to my crib and lets do this, nah mean! So I told him where to go, and he said he knew the area, so it shouldn't be that hard to find my apartment building. I buzzed him up, and told him my apartment number. So he comes gives me a hug. I had the place on point, dim lights, only candles, I was ready to get it in!
So he says, "Did you just move into this spot."
I told him nah, I been here for like a year now. I took him into the bedroom, and he sits on the bed. I head to the kitchen to get some wine and shit, and come back and he is looking at my family portrait.
"Is this your family here?" he says.
I'm like yeah why, as I start to kiss on his neck and play with his nipples.
"Do you know this dude name Jason?"
I said yeah, that's my boyfriend, well ex boyfriend until he fucking cheated on me. Then dude turns around and tells me that, he fucked with Jason like 3 months ago in this very apartment! My apartment! My fucking apartment! You can't be for real? Then dude tells me that Jason told him that my apartment was his, and he didn't even know he had a boyfriend!
I was sitting there like, wow. I was so ready to sleep with this dude, and he was the guy that my ex cheated on me with. I told his azz he had to leave. Now he has been calling me for like a week, telling me that he wants to be with me, and we have this connection, and his azz didn't know, but come on... this dude is the enemy!"
I just sat on the porch in aww of what Mason told me. He asked me for advise, and I didn't know what to say.
What would you
guys do in this situation?
I mean really,
Obama's balls?
As round and as firm
and as patriotic
as they are,
Obama's balls will be
the foundation
to this country.
Mr. Jackson
I think your jealous.
You have old
& wrinkled
nigga balls.
Nigga balls that
birthed a daughter
that you haven't paid
child support for
and/or seen in months.
At least that's
what I heard, but..
I know why your MAD!
It's because when
Obama talked about
Black Fathers
taking responsibility,
he was talking about you.
And Nigga,
stop calling us
the N-word,
your making confused
white women cry
on national tv.
And you know Whoopi
isn't the best person
to speak for us!
Grow some balls,
and leave my man's alone!
Obama 08!
Even though I am a BIG TLC fan, I thought it would be fitting for a mexican dog, you know! Actually my mother calles her Chilli Coco, but that just sounds like a drag queen's name to me, lol.