Today I felt compelled to research the oral presentations and sermons of Jesus. Why were they so motivating? So Controversial? So Loving? It was through these words that a new system of how to live outside the Roman and Jewish system emerged.
One of the most "famous" sermons that Jesus gave was the "Sermon on the Mount" Some of the major points that stuck out in my head when I read it was:
What I find interesting about my own younger church experiences is that pastors have created sermons that are more judgemental and more related to sinful natures then the idea of us coming from "perfection." I always seen "sin" as a blessing, because from there we grow and become better people. That is not to say that we must wallow in our sins, but acknowledge our own wrongdoing and move past it. I actually don't like using the word "sin" as a universal word for wrongdoing because there have been sins that have been created, deleted, changed throughout human history, so what is a sin for one person, wouldn't be for another, but we must all use our spirit and intelligence to see what is really good for all of us. Sermons or speeches are much more productive when you can point out that there is something wrong with a system, and it can be changed because our hearts, mind, and soul can do so. It is like breaking something down, and building it back up.
One speech that I have recently watched which follows this model is ObamA's speech about race and his connection to his pastor's views on political issues. When I tell you I was moved, I was! He really handled it very well, and I'm not just saying this because I have a huge crush on the man. I truly felt a connection when he spoke. Here is the video if you havn't seen it:
You can also read the text: HERE
So here I am this Easter, proud to be part of a linage of great Christians who have faith in Jesus Christ, and also a proud Black American who sees that even if our political system, theology and racial & sexiST judgements may be flawed we can still be the "Light of the World" and "Be Perfect like our Heavenly Father."
Dawn who is one of my favorites was very nice when I shook her hand. I asked her how did she feel about the album coming out, and she replied: "I'm Drunk, so I'm feeling good!" Baby, so was I!
As we looked over to the other tables we saw D. Woods and her entourage in the corner. We had to go over to see her. When I tell you this woman is flawless, she is flawless! Damn! I told her that I was trying to buy her album but it was sold out everywhere. She was shocked and asked us to buy it on Tuesday so hopefully they could make it to #1 for a second week! She was mad cool for us to take a photo with us!
Then there was little Aundrea who is the cutest thing! Can you believe she is shorter then me... and she had heals on! Got to love her! The funny thing about seeing celebrities is that they all look so much bigger on TV, but they were all very small and slender... very good looking!
It was really cool to meet them. During the end of the night, we saw Aubrey talking very close and intimate with one of the guys from Day 26 by the bathroom... and no it wasn't Donnie, they are just friends right? I won't personally reveal who it was, I like for people to have there privacy, but I sure was shocked to see them together!
I will post more photos from Greg's party tomorrow!
When I first heard about the PS3, I knew I wanted it right away! When I saw the $600 price tag, I held back. 2 years later, I am glad I waited. Now that Blu-Ray is the standard in HD disks, there are great games coming out in 2008, and the price tag went down 200 bucks, It seemed like the right time. When your a fun loving creative & visually stimulating person, video games are so attractive! I have to ability to go online, streams my media from my computer, play fantastic games and even download games from there online store. Yes the PS3 has made me a "Happy Camper."
So most of my days are spent playing the a game, looking for a new game, reading about new games, or trying to figure out how to come up with money for a new game! The cycle never ends. I don't know though because it is like my own little hobby. Fuzzy is into games as well, so at least he can join in my joy... even though sometimes I ignore him to play the ps3, lol. I try not to. Omar and the rest of my friends have started to get into it. We played bowling and this fun game where you throw this guy on slingshot into the air so that way he hits anything in the city causing him PAIN. You get points for it! Got to love it!
Most of the games I like are cool adventure games, mostly with big swords. I like cute animals that jump, run and destroy anything in sight. Got to love the racing games where you are able to run your opponents or Fuzzy off the road leading into a crash! Then of course there is BUZZ! The Ultimate Quiz show! I am mostly the champion until Reggie comes over... damn him! It is a lot of fun, and happy that my friends can enjoy my JOY of the PS3! If anyone has one, SAVE ME AS A FRIEND!
Username: ShawnQt
So I didn't want to go into a big long explanation of all the games I want, so I'm just going to highlight them and you can take a glance at them. My Birthday is coming (March 27) So by all means...
When Ever I am feeling down or depressed, I look to to this video and know my life can't get any worst then a bite from Charlie.