ponoono said...
why do you search the whole world, when the whole world is you?
The question in implies that I am "searching" when indeed, I am not. It has been years since I have stopped "searching for me" and "realizing who I am."
I remember a day when being a nerd, with whack clothes, no social life, and less stellar grades bothered me to no end. I remember a day when I thought I couldn't handle being an adult, with bills and responsibility, and the admittance of failure was the worst feeling in the world. I remember a day when I felt like I had to live up to a lover's standards of what I should be, my virginity was more hated then celebrated, and that I was cursed to never find someone to love me for me. I remember a day when I prayed to GOD to "take this away from me" and "he " never did, while my mother gave me faces of disgust, and no one was ever there for me.
I searched for a way to get out of all of that, and it never worked. It those insecurities came tumbling down like a brick wall when I realized that I am who I am, and I have the power to change it all by changing my thinking. At that point I knew I could change "my world" and then my happiness came. Sometimes I forget I have that power, but I'm glad I have Jesus, my greatest reminder.
Sean Stone said...
Ok let me close my eyes and "envision" myself forward. It's pretty hazy, but I do see myself at a new working facility. I see, a lot of artwork. I see my apartment looking totally different. I see a dog! Yeah! I see a car. That will come in handy. I also see some pain. Sadness, yet still joy. And I see... darn. I lost it.
My Birthday was celebrated with a visit from Fuzzy & X on my birthday. I spent the day with Fuzzy and Jay at the mall. Went to Friday's and then of course the stripper show that night. Saturday Morning was my Breakfast Brunch, and later that night X through a party at my house.
Barney said...
you have so much living left to do..what are you hoping to accomplish by the age of 35?
I could hardly see myself in a year from now, and now u want me to project myself forward 8 years! Well part of my plan is to achieve all my current dreams by the age of 30, with no regrets. Then start coming up with some new ones. I want to be dead on in my career, no bullshit. Being creative and having some kind of executive responsibilities will be important. Boyfriend, Apartment, Friends, Car and Dog will be my foundation.
Kensilo said...
I always believed that you can have more then one "LOVE OF YOUR LIFE" or "SOUL MATE" We all live and love at different stages of our lives, and I am very happy to have one now. Everyone that I have dated, has not been my soul mate!
Bullet Proof Soul said...
1) I don't like that he didn't focus more on getting the New Jersey Vote.
2) I didn't like that he took so long to speak to the gay media.
3) I don't like that he is not a good bowler, but I'm nick picking now.
Darius T. Williams said...
Thanks Darius.
I have put up a post on 5 Tips to keep a man for a year, which worked for us. Yet after me and Fuzzy broke up and got back together, we realized two things. We have to be REAL HONEST with each other. The "No Sugar" Rule is our way to be honest an not worry about hurting each others feelings.
As long as you have love, have fun, and try to meet each others needs, it can work.
fuzzy said...
i have a mighty question! What the HELL is so special about Barack Obama that you goo goo gaa gaa over him? AND Can we get a threesome? :-)
He is intelligent, powerful & has charisma! When he talks, he makes me feel like I want to be a better person! That is so fucking sexy! Besides, he looks very similar to some boyfriend that I love.
We already discussed this, NO THREESOMES, LOL.
ww4p (ww4p.com/blog) said...
Oh my! With words like that, probably not! LOL.
Jay said...
LOL, No. You taken me back like 8 years ago! To speed everybody up...
(Jay, if any of this story is incorrect, let me know)
Lamar is this guy that I met on Blackplanet. He was mad cool. We would talk on the phone for hours. While he was from Jersey, he went to school out of state. So every other weekend, he would come up to see me. Well not just me. He also came up to see his boyfriend to.
Young and Naive, I became his "mistress" or "mister" for a couple of months. Our connection became very intense, and he swore he would break up with his boyfriend for me, but when it happened, he decided that I wasn't what he was looking for. It hurt, but he was very adamant about us remaining friends.
So as friends, we would hang out, and I met Jermaine and Ricky. What was interesting though was that Lamar was seeing Jermaine and Ricky at the same time! Yet at first neither one of them knew! I can remember being a little jealous, but whatever. Then in a total twist of events Jermaine and Ricky ended up making out in my Kitchen! Too Much, I know! We were young!
Reggie is this guy that liked me in High School who ended up drinking my babies behind the stage. I was so grossed out, that I ran out of the school all the way home! Anyway... It was never my intent to put Reggie on to Jermaine so I can't get Lamar, I believe by that time I was over him.
BuddahDesmond said...
What do you hope to accomplish over the course of the next year?
Off the top of my head:
1) Go on a real vacation with Fuzzy.
2) Complete my vide(o) experience.
3) Work on becoming more healthy.
4) Be the parent to a beautiful baby dog!
5) Own a Wii!
Promiscuous X said...
Say one day you start your own graphic design company and it really takes off and you wind up doing campaign ads for Borack Obama one of your biggest clients/male fanatsies... If you were rich would you still be my friend or would you look down on me and find a new social group to chill with....? Just remember fame isn't everything...I would like an honest answer too sir.
I think it would make total sense that I WOULD have a NEW Circle of Friends to hang out with. LOL. I mean Obama has some powerful people in his ranks! Yet I have never been one to hang out with the "political' crowd all the time. That does not mean that I would leave any of my friends now. Truth be told, I think you guys would leave me before I leave you. LOL.
Anonymous said...
Do you think it is more important to be liked or be real?
To keep it real, to be liked.
Anonymous said...
Do you currently own a car?
That's a hard question to answer. Yes, and No. No further comment on that.
Anonymous said...
Do you want 28 questions to boost your number of people responding to your post?
Looks like Anonymous is doing the job for me!
Anonymous said...
Do you have any unattractive friends?
I don't know why you guys think you can put me in a corner to make me hurt somebody's feelings. So instead of singling anyone out, I will bunch all you ugly homos together! Each and everyone of my friends have a "unattractive" trait about them that I don't like. But I still love you ugly homos all the same!
Anonymous said...
Who is your sexiest friend?
I think everyone has sex appeal. Jay has this thing he does to my neck that turns me on! X likes to lick his lips a lot. Reggie got booty for days. Ty has a sexy bald head. Dee has a juicy booty to. Dapper D has a nice smile. Fuzzy's body is on point. And you can't forget about Mr. Brown!
Anonymous said...
Who is your cutiest friend?
I think that person that has the best attribute to be "cute" would probably be Jay, only because he is our cute lil teddy bear, well was our teddy bear until he lost all that weight... never mind I take it back!
Anonymous said...
Which one of your friends do you think you will always be friends with? (you can only choose one)
There is most def MORE THEN ONE, and yes X this is an unfair question, but since you want to put me in a corner again, I will pick Omar by default since he is my best friend, duh!
Anonymous said...
If you didn't have to worry about any consequences for your actions for an entire day, what would you do?
I would probably go to a sex party.
Anonymous said...
Does your question count toward the 15 more needed?
Sure does... I guess your not done huh?
Anonymous said...
If you found out your mother was a lesbian how would you feel?
I would be shocked! It would be weird for me at first, but would embrace it. Our relationship is not based off of who we are sleeping with.
Anonymous said...
What is your favorite color?
Anonymous said...
If TLC came out with a new album, with a new member, would you love them as much as you did?
Nope, the chemistry is with the original three. I would still support them. They would never do it though. Chilli and T-Boz have an album coming out, and Blaque (Left Eye's Group) will be coming out with a reality series with T-boz as there new mentor.
Anonymous said...
Which one of your friends would sit down and write 13 anonymous questions?
I think it was Jay because when I asked him he didn't tell me the truth and he didn't lie to me either!
mr said...
What exactly goes on at all these parties you guys are having? Sounds more like orgies to me...
Well, ummm, errr, ok... there are sexual antics that do go down at my "past" parties. To protect the innocent, I am just going to keep my mouth shut. Now that I think about it, has anyone of you guys seen the "LIST" you know, the one with the circle with our names around it?
My health. A body that is a better reflection of who I want to be.
I don't think I would get plastic surgery. I wouldn't mind cosmetic dental surgery. Nothing like having a hollywood smile!
Not taken better care of my car.
Mash said...
Happy belated! You and your man-wife are quite open about your sexuality online...you top, he bottom as you've hinted a couple of times! What sort of reactions do you get from close acquaintances who know about this? Do they tend to box y'all into these roles, does who-gets-dicked transcend the Seally Posturepedic in terms of discourse??? Enjoy the blog, particularly the random epiphanies that you blog about from time to time. Love from South Africa.
I think that me and Fuzzy's sexual roles do not dictate our roles in our relationship. I don't think I wear the "pants" in the relationship. At times he may seem like he does because he is taller then me, usually drives me around, and thinks he knows more then me. Then again I am older, he is over my house most of the time, and I am usually the wiser one. But that is up for debate.
Gary T. P. said...
Its Friday May 2015...What are you doing today?
You guys are killing me with all these "look into the future" questions! I would be 35 by this time... how about living. lol.
RocaFella07 said...
Jayonce Got married a week ago...Is "Shuzzy" next??
Anonymous said...
Why do you get upset so easily?
The company is doing good on the creative side, and not the financial side. We are working on creating a merger deal, but it is all based on the right time. If the merger doesn't fall through, then I will have to find another job.
Ailed LittleKnight said...
If Fuzzy a good Boyfriend?
That is funny! Overall YES! I think that I was spoiled. I was spoiled in a relationship where affection, love, and compromise was given easily to me. With me being Fuzzy's first "real" relationship (and you can't correct me if I am wrong) he didn't know how to do certain things... but most of the all he does now. I don't appreciate him like I should though.
kennyking78 said...
Happy Belated! I still have that birthday card I would like to send you. I am very inspired by your creativity.
What is your greatest creative accomplishment?
Somebody that has the same interest as me, I can talk to easily, that can make me laugh when I am down, and be able to get along with most of my other friends.
Promiscuous X said...
Rutherford B, Hayes Bitch!
How many times you ever sucked fuzzys dick in one day?
Thanks for sending in the questions! I will format this post better later. If you want to discuss any of my answers to the questions, leave a comment!
{Being Greedy, can you guess what I was eating?}
Anyway... We all get in the car and head out to the SkyLark Diner. We were only a tad late, which wasn't a problem with me. A couple of people were still on there way. Oh yeah Greg, Question? How were you latest and you was the closest to the place? LOL. Anyway... Like always we don't wait to order. You can't mess with a man's stomach.
X comes in. For a moment there was a brief silence, and coy smiles around the room. Who was going to say something first? I surely wasn't! I greeted him and made sure he was ok and didn't have a hang over. Then you see "the two" go into there phones. Fuzzy and Reggie, just clicking away as they watched and smirked. I knew what was on there.
See on Friday Night, after Friday's (the restaurant) we all decided to head back to my place for drinks. I was cool with it, and decided to maybe invite some people over. We haven't done that in awhile because every time we do, some kind of sexual antics go on! For the past couple of months all that has ceased, which I am totally ok with! There is only so much eating whip cream off of booties you can do! I like having a normal relationship with normal friends and do normal things. Yet Friday was no normal night...
Greg finally gets there and in a couple of minutes we are all eating our food. Reggie decides to show Greg what he was chuckling about on his phone. HIS JAW DROPPED. "You guys got a stripper?" he said. The brotha came out the bathroom with a fitted, tank top wrapped on his back in some timbs, butt azz naked! He popped it on the wall, twirled his dick in circles, and get this... hit a split on the floor while it popped his azz up and down! It was a sight to see!
"I knew I should have came out," Greg said. You always miss the good stuff when your MIA, lol.
{MY FAVORITE GROUP PHOTO OF US // TOPS: Fuzzy & ShawnQt. BOTTOMS: X, Jay, Reggie & Greg}
Greg couldn't recognize who the stripper was. Later that night, everyone wanted to throw another party, and hopefully the stripper would emerge again. So EVERYONE CAME, we had drinks pouring, music playing, everyone was having a good time, yet the stripper never showed up. Maybe it was better that way. I love my friends, every single last one of them, and they really made my birthday special, but like Jay said:"Even though it was sexy, It was like seeing my brother dance."
Don't you agree X?