For this edition of Soundtrack, I'm going to highlight the song I have to dance to. One of my good friends, Brandon, err... Tyson is going to be in... how do I put this? A Gay Pageant? He is going competing for Mr. Gay New Jersey. He got second place last year, and trying to bring the crown home this year. I am really proud of him, because he is really motivated. I was honored when he asked me to be one of his back up dancers.

You think I wouldn't be nervous right? I mean I have danced on 106&Park in front of a live audience, national tv, and in front of the biggest selling female group of all time... but this is different! I have never learned a routine before, and it is VERY challenging.

So we have been practicing for 3 months now. We had a choreographer teach us the basics in a dancer studio, and finished up and polished the dance in my house. It is only 2 more weeks till show time, and I think I am ready... I think. Ok I know the steps, but I want to bang it out! I want to be on point! The other dancers have been helping me out, and I appreciate it. Hopefully I can get a video of the actual performance, until then, here we are practicing.
Sorry for the sideways view, the cameraman is an idiot!
Good job Shawn !
Reharsing in smaller spaces is tough, i have so many memories of lil' hallway reharsals.... mmmm anyway lol
i hope u guys get a chance to practice in a studio or something or you'll feel a lil weird when u get on stage !
Stop worryin, you'll get it! Believe in yourself!
Mr. Gay New Jersey?
I need to interview him.
so you think you can dance...?
LOL. I have yet to see that video of you on 106 & Park.
is that a sweat stain under your pit?
Looks like you've been busy!
Nice pics!
Since we are made to comment I thought I'd speak.
visions of fairies dancing in my head lol!
y'all will be goood, i'm confident.
lol @ faries dancing in my head...
yall need a lil more room to cut up
You had better work it out Shawn!!!!! I am more nervous for you than I am for Brandon... er Tyson.
I really hope you are able to get a copy of the video as well... I want to see it. What will your costumes look like?
Good luck to you and your friend
Good job on the dance mann!!! it looks hot im sure uall will kill it. and tell ur boi good luck on the pagent..
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