Christmas has always been my favorite time of year.
Mostly due to my imagination being filled with physical trinkets that would enhance the viewing pleasure of such television shows at Masters of the Universe, Thundercats, and Ninja Turtles. But what do you expect from an 8 year old that always wants to create his own universe, and play out his wildest dreams. Is that not an amazing Christmas Gift?
Thanks Mom.
In reality, food and family was a close first. Oh what a joy, not only to spend time with Mom & Mom Mom, but uncles, aunts, cousins and various others from our extended family. Even the joy of my puppy running around chasing me on the furniture put a smile on my face.
Thanks Freeway.
Now, that I am older, the toys have diminished from twenty to two. My clothes have increased in style. Necessities of things for the apartment have increased. And, you can never go wrong with a video game... But the magic is different now. I truly focus more of my time, focusing on the History of Jesus, and creating a beautiful experience with loved ones. This year really took the Cake.
Thanks God.
Let me give a brief Run down of Christmas Day:
*• Christmas Eve was spent with Omar Ramone and his family. It's always feels good to be around them. The Downside, the family ate all the food before we got there! We was only an hour late, but my stomach couldn't stay and smile for another hour or so. I had Burger King. It was good! We were then invited to Omar's Friend Pajama Party...Whichh entailed, a straight couple and there children chilling in the house playing spades. Not what I expected!
*• Christmas Morning was spent with my "Handsome" Boyfriend! This was something I really wanted to do, wake up with him by my side. It felt really good, and I was very happy he was there. We got up around 8:00am to open gifts, just me and him. Please check out the photos above.
*• We then headed out to eat Breakfast at a Chuch near Fuzzy's House. While the eggs were quite wet, the rest of the bacon, sausages, and hashbrowns weren't bad at all. We were around a lot of older people, some down and out, but it felt good to be around them nonetheless. They gave out deodorant, shaving cream, and lotions... and even raffled off bikes! I didn't win a bike.
*• We then headed to Fuzzy's house to spend time with his family. One word: Drama. LOL. I'll let Fuzzy tell that story!
* Once we dashed out of there, we went back to my house and played a few video games. Calvin & Jermaine stopped by. It was great seeing them!
*• My Family was having dinner at my Granmother's house (who lives upstairs) and me and Fuzzy ended up there, as we all open presents, shared stories, and chowed down on German Chocolate Cake! I really enjoyed my family this year, and they really made me and Fuzzy feel comfortable.
*• Even though we were quite tired, we headed over to My Omar's House. We all exchanged gifts, and just relaxed in the bed talking and playing 20 Questions. Around 11pm we headed home, after a wonderful Christmas Day!
*• The Day After, we all went to Ruby Tuesday's to see Dreams Girls! What an amazing movie! Jennifer Hudson was great! Please check out the photos above.
Overall, I really felt an immense feeling of "family" from my friends to my relatives, and there is nothing more I could have asked for!