Friday, December 19, 2008

MrFierceQt reaches over 13,000 hits!

So my "Single Ladies" YouTube Video has reached over 13,000 hits in just under a month. I mean wow! Thanks Beyonce! The Universe works in funny ways. When I first heard the song, it was so in tune to what I was experiencing. Then when I saw the video, I was just in aww... was Beyonce really, what do the gays say... "Serving it to the kids!"

I would just watch the video over and over again in aww, look at Beyonce go! I would do some of the dances, but never thought about doing a video for it until, I don't know, one day, I just did it. Just having fun! I knew I wasn't gay enough to do it all "girly" so I just tried to do it my way, the QT way!

It reminded me when I use to just dance for the heck of it, and not really caring how it looked. Just me feeling the music. I think that's why it worked. On top of that, my video editing skills are so on point now! But when I tell you editing that damn video was hell! Syncing the moves with my music is the hardest thing, especially when the program your using is crap! At one point the video went into a virtual warp and skipped like 5 secs ahead, and every time I changed it, it never worked! So what I did was add the video of me and Jared in there, and for some reason, bang, now it wants to work!  

The other week, me and my boys went to the club, and the song came on. They all looked at me! Why do they always think I'm going to break out into song and dance! I wanted to though, I did a little. I was tipsy to!  Now I watch the video on YouTube, and and just do the dance just for exercise, trust me, try and keep up... it works! Maybe one day me and my friends will do it, and really be like the video!

If you havn't seen it already, here it is again.

1 comment:

Darius T. Williams said...

That's because you're a rockstar!