So its snowing outside and I left work early. Why did it take me 3 hours to get home? I mean the traffic was crazy, there was a mob of people just trying to get out of the city, and it was just a slushy mess! Imagine if I got off at my regular time, I would have surely missed Omar's first performance.
Oh yeah, Omar has his first live performance tonight at this local lounge downtown! I am really excited about my best friend. He has already recorded three songs recorded for his album, and they all sound great.
One song is called "Broken", which I love... which talks about trying to make a relationship work, even when you know it isn't right. The second song is called "Slide" which is this very sexual nasty song he wrote. I admit, I do feel weird getting into the mood knowing he sings it, lol. The last one is called "Move" which is about trying to get over a relationship, but the person just won't give you any space. To my surprize, one of the verses, is based off one of my real life experiences! Once I heard it again, I really felt like I was going to cry because it had so much emotion behind it when he sang it (even though the song is pretty fast). Omar is really a Super Star, I tell you!
I will let you guys know how it went.
Hopefully a lot of people come out even though its snowing like crazy outside!

You guys have so much fun...so, how'd it go.
btw, the blogger family reunion is set for 5/15-5/17 in Chicago - you better be here!
That snow made for a nasty commute, but it was worth the trip. Well, besides the two homophopic comedians and that lewd rapper who just kept cursing and calling everyone niggas and bitches.
I LOVED that first song Omar performed.
And where are all those pics, Shawn? I saw you taking a million of them hoes wit yo Nigel Barker ass. LOL.
I didn't know about it. I would have loved to come out. I have to stay in contact better. Let me know when the next one is.
look at you blogging about me! I love you, boy. I'm really grateful for all the support i got from my friends and fam. I look forward to the next one. I'm working on getting better as a performer.
I love the fact your supporting ur friend. That's what real friends do. Hope to hear some of him music soon. ;)
I saw his earlier videos of him singing songs on his site. He can really sing. I'm happy he is getting his shine on. Where is the music on his Myspace Music Page? I'd like to hear the songs.
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