My life have been consumed with boys...
Muscle Boys. Stylish Boys. Young Boys. Old Boys. Bald Headed Boys. Drunk Boys. Big Dick Boys. Lil Dick Boys. Webcam Boys. Youtube Boys. Blogger Boys. BGC Boys. Jail Boys. Bus Stop Boys. Beach Boys. X Boys. United Kingdom Boys. And of course the, "Are You Crazy?" Boys!
To say I haven't been having fun is an understatement. To say I need to calm down a little, is a change I can commit to. Sometimes being a BAD BOY, you do bad things. Not intentionally. I never was out to hurt anyone, I was just trying to get my mind off of things and having fun. Letting Go, not following the rules.
The boys won't go away, I'm just not making them a priority anymore.
I have to become Creative...
Now it is time to get back to me, and who I am, and what I am about. Trying to find the next piece of azz or dick is not going to get me closer to my "dreams" right... there is still so much I have to do with this blog and my life! Maybe I will tell you guys some of my "slut puppy" stories... one day.
Since I am going to be doing Freelance Design more in the next couple of months, I really want to progress more in my Design Company. Even if I do get another job, I still want to do side projects regardless. I was talking to Derron the other day, and he really put a bug in my ear. Thanks for the talk man. Some people really do make a living off of this. I am thinking about it, but I am keeping my options open. In this economy, I need a steady paycheck.
Best thing is to have options right...
Derron said that he would help me anyway he can, so that is good. A friend I met through Fuzzy, wants to partner up with me and work on a couple of church projects. I am working with Larry and his mate on a few political projects. I am dedicated to really getting my design website up and running with work on it. Me and my friends are going to be working on this big YOUTUBE project in the next couple of weeks, and I even have a personal side project I'm going to be doing as well. Twin was kind enough to lend me his camera for the time being. I so need to get my own! If I can get a MAC in the next couple of weeks, I can work on using some of the programs on there. I want to do more creative photography, I still have that dream of having my art in a gallery! Everything is going to work out!
I did not give Chilli anything...
While I know I have a reputation of not cooking, and when I do it is either dry or burnt, the food I cooked the other day, was REALLY GOOD! The chicken was cooked perfectly, and contained all its juices. I just payed attention to it, lol. The Mashed Potatoes could have been a little bit more smooth, but it came out of a box, lol. The vegetables were cooked and not microwaved, so yeah, I had a great dinner! Chilli only sniffed my food, she has her own food dammit!
Xavier's Birthday is coming up...
I Love My X! He has been a strong support factor for me, and has truly been there when I need him. I remember we became close on my birthday last year or so, and he has proven to be a wonderful human being, even with his own crazy antics. I do plan to do something special for his birthday, actually going to work on it today. I hope he likes it!
Fuzzy and I talked...
It was a very liberating, heart breaking, truth telling, relaxing, eye opening experience for me. I was able to express the grunt of my anger, and understand to the point of moving on. The initial feelings of the break up are slowly going away, and I am happy about that. While I can't say we are friends, we have a mutual respect when around each other. He had a party at his house, and I was going back and forth if I should go or not.
It could have sat at home depressed about the relationship while my friends enjoy his company, or go, get on with my life and try and have a good time. I actually was the first one there, hours before the party would start. It could have been awkward talking to him, but I didn't make it an issue. While he cooked, I went to sleep on the downstairs coach for like 2 hours.
I know Fuzz wants to be friends, but I don't know yet. In any case, I don't know if he is going to be able to handle me being flirtatious and talking to other guys. I know I won't be. This transition is hard. I just hope that he really really REALLY does the CHANGE he said HE wants to HAVE.
The gym is coming along well...
OK Last week I ate McDonalds more then I should have, but it only allowed me to gain like 2 pounds which isn't bad because I do want to gain weight. Just not fat! I am slowed down on cardio a little, and only use it to get my heart rate up when I'm about to lift weights.
Now I'm doing one section of the body a day. Yesterday I did chest and shoulders, today I'm working on biceps and triceps. I think the protein drinks are working, I don't know really. I think in the next few months I should see a trainer to see how I can be on point for the summer next year.
For me to bulk up I need to eat food, and lots of it, and I just don't have the money for that right now! So I'm going to take it easy this winter, and then work on the weight gain in the spring time. I just don't want to get a holiday gut! If I keep making chicken breast like I have before, I should be better at my eating habits. Here is a photo of my progress so far...

I have another version of this photo with my dick showing, but I always had this thing about sending my
"dick pic" to dudes or even putting them on a online profile. Seems like everyone has one in there phone. It's like your ID or something!
Do you guys have a "dick pic" in your phone, and if so how do u feel about sharing it?