He what's up everybody! Well I finally got my Sidekick Gekko, and I'm so excited. I feel like the excitable bore when he posted about getting his new iphone. So instead of showing me with the phone and holding the box, X... I decided to take photos with it, showcasing my life as Designer!
Ok so this is my desk. Pretty much where I spend most of my life, if you really think about it. Of course I have my blog on my screen. You guys know you blog when your at work! All those post-its on my mac is all the things I need to do, people I need to call, reminders and all that good stuff. I have all my X-Men Action Figures with me. They make my life less serious. Co-Workers like to hide them from me! One time I found Beast in the freezer! Ughh! The silver mouse was given to me by blogger, Darius. Inscribed on it says, " Imagination is Better than Knowledge" That is the code I live by!
Ever since I have been working out, I have been eating pretty good. I eat much better at work then on the weekends. Smart Start is so good, but I also eat oatmeal on certain days. Usually for Lunch I eat something healthy like baked chicken, but if I want to be greedy there is a pizza place right next door or evil Burger King! Love there strawberry milkshakes!
This is my Designer Book. It is pretty much the company manual which I created and designed. Under it is my "Things to Do" Pad. I make all my phone calls in the morning. Work on Design projects, see what I have put into production, and also get quotes for new jobs.
This is the company's brochure, which I designed. Just to let you know, mostly everything here I have done. I have been here for 5 years, and pretty much the head designer. I have had other designers here as well as interns, but usually I'm the main squeeze at this bad boy!

These are all my design books. If I need to find out how to do anything in Illustrator, Photoshop or Quark, I come here. I also have a Design Basics Book, a book on how to Design for different Cultures, a Pocket Pal on Production, a book on how to do Professional Presentations, and also a Art History Book. You always have to have the Dictionary, trust me you will need it!
Sometimes work can be stressful, so I usually read "The Secret" to bring me back in line with my spirit and self. Usually if I am stomped on a design, I will get inspiration from my "Creative Crown." Yes it is just a Burger King Crown with a post-it, but when you put it on, it is so much more! I have done some of my best work with it!
Ok a small tour of the place. My job is mostly a design studio, but we also have a copy center where people can come in, make copies, photo enlargements; just think of it as a really small Staples Copy Center. Usually the intern or secretary handles that department, but I'm usually called over to help out if a customer wants a design or something.

There is also another division of the company that focuses on giving new clients business solutions. It was going to be a full department, but the person in charge left the company, so it is mostly on the consulting now. Either way, I designed the logo, and most of the structure of how the company works. Even painted the squares that is on the wall!
Another division of our company does Mailbox services. I designed the character to be my boss, I find it quite funny every time I see it! We are also a FedEx Authorized Ship Center. Don't get me on that, such a long story!
This is the conference room I helped design. We usually take our big clients in here for meetings. It is pretty comfortable in there to. We have designed for clients who does Wine Distribution, Architectural Engineering, Real Estate, Medical Centers, Churches, Restaurants, and even Barbershops. That is the best thing about my job is that it is very versatile!
OMG - you have the mouse I gave u for ur birthday!!!! WOWzers. I'm glad you still use it.
Um, this is a great idea. Maybe I'll do the same thing for my blog - you know, this follow me around type deal. You're so innovative - you come up with the best ideas.
I must say I really like your blog...for real...and I dont say that about to many I see on here...real cool
This is what blogging is about! Makes me miss my work space. I'm actually very, very proud of you Shawn!
On a side note, I working on a Business Plan and I need someone to create a logo for me. What can you do for me, boo? I'm willing to throw some coinage your way too. Luv!!!
Interesting. It's good to see people in their workspace.
@ Darius
yup sure do! the company one only has like one button! how the heck am I suppose to right click?
So this one was perfect! Thanks again!
I say EVERYONE should do it. I mean we spend most of our time there anyway!
@ yazmar
Thanks man, I will check out your blog in a few.
@ joey
Hey luv! I was really thinking that when I was doing the photos.Wow Im really blogging, lol. Will be taking photos on my phone more often so it should be cool. I also have video, not the best, but maybe I can capture some moments. Glad your proud of me though! :)
@ bps
Thanks man!
You forgot inspirational and motivational quote post-its! The one on the lower left side of the monitor!
You know good and well BK aint no good for you! lol But you grown! :-) Pizza can slide! jeje
What other designers? You're the only bad boy! lol
I have been to your job many of times. I would say that after Mariella left, you and havco are the brains of the business. I see you as a business partner and I believe that Jav is making you to be so!
Be easy!
I want my chap stick! Its probably under a post-it or something! Gimme My Chap Stick!
Stop taking my Chap Stick!
I think I need you to come design my cubical. (Padded blue panels, My little shit on my desk and my poster board with my posting etc). I think it need a ShawnQT makeover lol. I need ideas punk. I like your lay out. I have all this desk space and dont know what to do with it. HELP!!!
I love my career. I take pride in making sure the Flavors/Fragrances are under code and regulations and meet FDA/USDA/FEMA/EU standards etc. in which we supply to our customers to which you the consumers either consume or use on your body.
Today is a beautiful day...12:30 here I come lol
I really like your layout Shawn
i like that style of photography...
they want you to design.. to let your imagination soar.. on that crappy little 17 inch monitor ?????
I'm a graphic designer too but i hate where i work - too much girl drama. i swear i never wanna work anywhere with so many fish again ughhh... and i rarely ever get to make anything interesting which sucks even more :(
My office would bore you to death. No color, no imagination. Nothing. I have some Maryland basketball stuff up at my cube and that's kinda taboo.
What a great idea, to showcase a day in the worklife of ShawnQT.
I love the X-man figures. I have Superman memorabillia all over my workspace.
I will do the same thing so you can see it.
What a great idea, to showcase a day in the worklife of ShawnQT.
I love the X-man figures. I have Superman memorabillia all over my workspace.
I will do the same thing so you can see it.
Love it! Great post...
i love that you love your job.
Congrats on the new phone. I still need a new phone. I'm so tired of my BlackBerry already. Let me know how you like yours.
WOW! Love the post, especially since I'm a designer. One I can't believe is your using Quark. Indesign is the new standard of design. If you need some help in learning it. Hit me up. pretty_48205@yahoo.com
I LOVE the X-Men army you have guarding your desk!
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