Lil Fizz from B2K, was on a Chicago Radio Station the other day promoting his album. When the DJ asked about his old bandmate, Raz B's sexuality, Lil Fizz in his own around about way, spilled the T! I mean we all had our gay-dars on Mr. Raz B during B2K, and even after with his "I'm Eccentric with a Mohawk" stage. But still, if my your friend, don't out me like that! Then again, if your friend told somebody, "I don't think it's my place to answer that question", that still that sends up a red flag to anyone!
So question, if somebody asked you if your friend was gay, what would you say?
Do you tell the truth or protect his privacy? And what would be the proper thing to say?
(You can read the story here. Lil Fizz Outs Raz B)
My answer would be "If you really want to now asked them yourself". Wouldn't it be so much better coming from the horse's mouth.
i agree with kensilo on that one. Privacy is an issue regardless if we think a person is gay. Assumptions make you look like an ass.
I think I honestly probably would've said something like similiar to that or what Kensilo said.
Deny, deny, deny to the T.
"i'm not guy but that guy that I am fucking is!"
of course you have to deny it.. other wise it is guilt by association right?
maybe a good response would be "i really don't know or care, but if you do.. then you ask him !!"
Sometimes if someone asks me, I answer them back with the same question, then they think that I'm trying to find the answer with them instead of them thinking I know the answer, lol.
A Person: Do you think Adam is Gay?
ShawnQt: Hmmm, Do you think Adam is Gay?
A Person: I was thinking the same thing! He does hang around Steve a lot!
I always say..."I don't sleep in his/her bed so I don't know for sure what they are."
id say stop being a messy fag and ask him if you really want to know.
I think there is a difference between a straight person asking and a gay person asking. Most times, straight people want to ask in order to differentiate. Gay people ask (in my opinion) to add another one to masses.
Good question... in all cases, in someone has to ask, that means that the person in question has not made it public. Until then, mouths should remain closed.
well I always say, "he never told me he was gay, and I dont ask!" So I dance around the issue...
Its difficult to answer that question without lying when you know the truth. If the person is str8, we naturally just say so, however, if there is any question or doubt about their sexuality we hesitate which is an answer in itself. I have no idea which is better, lying, avoiding the question or just getting defensive. Guess it all depends on the person and situation
I would say Thats none of my business, so its probably none of yours.
I guess ill be the immature one since yall takn the mature route. Me an dude would b scrapn. 1) because he knew I was gay an answered that fuckd up question all wrong an 2) He suppose to b my friend an still smiln up in my dam face. Hell nah he gone wear this ass whoopn..
I'd say, "If you want to know maybe you need to go to the source."
I'd have to honor my friend's wishes when this question is posed. If they aren't open about it or it's not public knowledge, then it's not my place to put it out there. It's not my business to tell anyway--it's personal information. And if your friend wants people to know he or she can/will tell them.
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