Tuesday, August 26, 2008



These are the colors of my feelings. Living with a broken heart can be very, hmm what is the word? devastating. Yeah, I like that word. For the past few weeks, my mind and even my actions have been very much choatic and in disorder. I'm so an abstract painting right now, much more Dada then Dali.

In a pit of rage, I wanted to BLACK, and just take my timbaland boot off, grasp it with all my might, and fling that bad boy through the air until it flew through space, hit the moon, putting the earth back on its axis, triggering the rest of the planets & stars to align, and everything in the universe would be back in order. Wherever it landed on its way back to earth is all up to GOD, but I have one head in mind. Funny how a broken heart can give you a mean right pitch.

And sometimes I would feel BLUE, where crying on the way home from work is a norm. Or cleaning the house only to find lil reminders of your life before. Even seeing the dog whimper at the door, hoping, praying & wishing that daddy will come back with a doggie treat... spreads the cracks even more. I dream of this hidden torment and these growing insecurities, and trust me its not a good look.

I am black&blue...
 and need time to heal.

What color should I be next?


KennonP said...

No color should be next... "And this too shall pass" Just give it time, with time you will see the relationship for what it was. Might I suggest reading the book "It's called a break up because its broken"

Promiscuous X said...

I think you should be "YELLOW' ...happy face....SMILE ;-)

Awwww my shawn... its going to be okay. Ill make sure i stand clear of them dam timbs. lol

Darius T. Williams said...

I'm with X...yellow's next, right? That's what we expect.

(If you read that correctly, it rhymes!)

Joey Bahamas said...

I say reeed. We don't go from sad and depressed to happy. It often takes a little rage and release to move us along. Read, shout, scream, punch a wall...let it out. Be red...and then be green. Not like "green with envy" but green as in growth, new life and blossoming hope. That would be my color palate...Luv!!!


Barney said...

Flow with the emotions...
Allow each feeling to work it's course, allow yourself to feel...
for with out feeling, you are nothing but a cold shell...

Allowing your self time to heal, time to reflect, time to gain knowledge.. it's the best course of action!

Surround yourself with true friends.. those that can help you thru, those that can lift you up, those that can help you see that light at the end.. for it is there..

Q said...

Awww boo-boo, things will be o.k. We've all been there. I agree with the others guys, I want you to be yellow. A vibrant bright yellow! You will be yellow soon, just wait and see...lol

Unknown said...

No worries things will turn around...when love hurts EVERYTHING hurts...but as time passes u will see that there is a second that u don't hurt, then 2 & 3 until it is a minute and it grows from there to forever...so hang in there...

ponoono said...

let's try color analysis:

Your selection is (BLUE)- The color of tranquility and peace, blue tends to be the most preferred color universally. Although cool and confident (or wishing to be), blues can be vulnerable. You are trusting and need to be trusted. You are sensitive to the needs of others and form strong attachments, and are deeply hurt if your trust has been betrayed.

Hmm... that shoe seems to fit. You should stick with blue.

You might try getting past this through a calm, icy blue analysis of the situation. Did he boot you? Did you boot him? Did u boot him for betraying your trust? Did he betray your trust so you would boot him?

I apologise for being stuck on the word boot.. it sorta grabbed me when you planted that vision of it whirling through space aimed at a head....

bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

Hmmmmm if you've ever seen one of my away messages on yahoo, I pose a somewhat simular question. "If single were a color, what color would it be?" My answer as it has been said by others is indeed yellow. Yellow is a cautionary (if that's even a word lol) hue that can repel bull shit away from you. It also cautions you to be patient and think before you leap forward into a new situation. Personally I like yellow. It's one of my favorite colors.

I'd like to leave you with a poem titled 'Be Strong!'

Be Strong! We're not here to play, dream, or drift. We have HARD work to do, and HEAVY loads to lift. Shun not the struggle, for it's GODS GIFT. BE STRONG!

Yours truely,


Larry D. Lyons II said...


for reasons your closest friends understand, the only color to be right now is buttermilk. and i, for one, am committed to conjuring that space for you as often as we need to.


bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

Well, there goes your abs. LMAO!
