I Dream
of being a Renaissance man.
A Pantomath, A Homo Universalis...
...a person whose astonishingly wide interests and knowledge span the entire range of the Arts & Sciences.
Even though I am a Graphic Designer, it has been minute since I have done a drawing or painting for my personal self. I always wanted to be somebody that did very well in everything. If anything, I just want many avenues to express myself in a creative way. I admire Leonardo Divinci so much because he was just so amazing in everything: Painter, sculptor, engineer, astronomer, anatomist, biologist, geologist, physicist, architect, philosopher, humanist.
Well even if I don't obtain all these interest, I can try getting back into BEING CREATIVE ARTISTICALLY. I want to be able to come up with a series of artwork that I can be showcased in a gallery. That is my dream.
It makes me think back to High School when I would be in the art studio cranking away. To bad most of my artwork from high school is gone. Lost never to be found. But I did take some photos of it, so in someway at least they exist here, in this blog...
I present to you:
"The Lost Art
Collection of ShawnQt"

A Landscape painting from acrylic paint. I believe I was a Freshman in HS at the time. I love how the sun reflects on the water. This is probably why I love nature so much.

This is another landscape painting in watercolors. This was my sophomore year. I remember putting me and the rest of my friends in the background at the end. I remember how my teacher keep trying to paint stuff on there, and I kept saying, I can do it myself!

This is a pencil drawing of my sister's doll under a lamp shade. I love the perspective because the lamp shade looks like the sun shining rays. The doll is actually Princess Jasmine from Aladdin.

This is a pencil drawing of Pinocchio with pipes going through and around him. The drawing was turned into a plate that was used for creating color prints. Interesting enough, that the pipe starts from his nose.

This is a pencil drawing of self portrait of me as a Hot Air Balloon. There are multiple "me's" in the background. I loved drawing the clouds.

This is my favorite drawing of a frog on a pencil. I don't even know why I drew this. I just liked how the drawing was really huge, and the frog is really small on the pencil.
Even though I am a Graphic Designer, it has been minute since I have done a drawing or painting for my personal self. I always wanted to be somebody that did very well in everything. If anything, I just want many avenues to express myself in a creative way. I admire Leonardo Divinci so much because he was just so amazing in everything: Painter, sculptor, engineer, astronomer, anatomist, biologist, geologist, physicist, architect, philosopher, humanist.
Well even if I don't obtain all these interest, I can try getting back into BEING CREATIVE ARTISTICALLY. I want to be able to come up with a series of artwork that I can be showcased in a gallery. That is my dream.
It makes me think back to High School when I would be in the art studio cranking away. To bad most of my artwork from high school is gone. Lost never to be found. But I did take some photos of it, so in someway at least they exist here, in this blog...
I present to you:
"The Lost Art
Collection of ShawnQt"

A Landscape painting from acrylic paint. I believe I was a Freshman in HS at the time. I love how the sun reflects on the water. This is probably why I love nature so much.

This is another landscape painting in watercolors. This was my sophomore year. I remember putting me and the rest of my friends in the background at the end. I remember how my teacher keep trying to paint stuff on there, and I kept saying, I can do it myself!

This is a pencil drawing of my sister's doll under a lamp shade. I love the perspective because the lamp shade looks like the sun shining rays. The doll is actually Princess Jasmine from Aladdin.

This is a pencil drawing of Pinocchio with pipes going through and around him. The drawing was turned into a plate that was used for creating color prints. Interesting enough, that the pipe starts from his nose.

This is a pencil drawing of self portrait of me as a Hot Air Balloon. There are multiple "me's" in the background. I loved drawing the clouds.

This is my favorite drawing of a frog on a pencil. I don't even know why I drew this. I just liked how the drawing was really huge, and the frog is really small on the pencil.
Nice work. You made me have a flashback to my days in art school and all the projects we had to do. Its crazy that as life gets busy, the creative side of me comes out less and less.
Great work! I like the scenery ones best.
D-d-d-dDamn..... you're good. i primarily LOVE the drawings....
Very nice work. The acrylics are cool, but I love the drawings.
Wishes you would've posted them a bit bigger. But never-the-less.. great stuff...
I really Luv the artwork that comes from deep within! Its great enough to get lost in. Why did you every stop? Start again, I say thee, START
Those are some hot ass pieces of work. I wouldnt mind owning a couple of them for my walls in my home. I once created a copy pieces of ART but they were sold in an auction. But It was never really my gift just luck.
WOW, these are amazing...pure talent, i never imagined that u got down like this? u truly are amazing and uve givin ME inspiration, not to miss any of my art classes this semester loll
seeing that i am still drawing stick figures i think it is pretty good.
WOW...look at you.
WOW! So awesome. The drawings evoke chaste solmnity! Hottt! Keep dreaming and creating reality!
I am digging your work of art, they are amazing, keep them coming :) I wish I could draw like you do
Wow.. nice job Shawn.
great job kid... don't you hate how they (instructors) would always attempt to mark or paint on your art work. Like ummmm, i don't want that there. LOL
Man your work is amazing, I drawing is good but nothing like that right now...I'm still getting my skills are getting there though.
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